Danziger Legal PLLC

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(914) 719-6970

Danziger Legal PLLC

Selling a Condo – Real Estate LawyerDanziger Legal PLLC can offer you professional and experienced representation for the sale of your Condominium Unit. We have assisted many Condo Owners in the successful sale of their Condos. We will provide you with personal and courteous representation and guidance at a reasonable and fair price. Please call and speak to our law firm about your Condo Sale today.

Our law firm will draw up a Contract of Sale with terms specifically tailored to the sale of your Condo and negotiate terms that will protect your interests. We will also contact the Board of your Condo development to become familiar with the rules and regulations put in place concerning the sale of your unit. You will be informed of any fees and procedures in advance of the Closing. You will most likely have to obtain a waiver of the right of first refusal that Condominiums provide to the owner so you can schedule the Closing. Our law firm will also review the Title Report and assist you to clear any liens on the property and remedy any other title defects so you can provide clean and marketable title at the Closing. Our diligence and prompt service will minimize delays and unnecessary issues. Finally, we will assist you with all tax and other closing adjustments, attend the Closing, and make sure that you obtain the net proceeds of the sale after necessary expenses are paid. Our attorneys explain the credits and adjustments to our clients and go over all the closing paperwork. We are available to answer your questions and provide you with courteous and personal service in the sale of your Condo. Please call us today and speak with an attorney about the sale of your Condominium.

Elliot Danziger, Esq.

Toll Free: (800) 619-3570
New York City: (212) 786-7950
Westchester County: (914) 719-6970

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