Danziger Legal PLLC

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Danziger Legal PLLC

Foreclosure Defense AttorneyOur attorneys are experienced in representing Clients that need defending against foreclosure lawsuits. We will provide you with personal and professional representation and guidance at a reasonable and fair price. Please call and speak to our law firm about defending your foreclosure action today. You may have a limited amount of time to answer the complaint, so do not hesitate and call today.

If you can no longer afford your mortgage payments, you may be facing foreclosure notices from your lender. Worse yet, your Lender or Creditors may have commenced a foreclosure action against you in Court and you may have been served with a Summons with Notice or Summons and Complaint. This is the process where a lender or lienholder will attempt to take possession of the property so it can be sold to satisfy what is owed to the Creditor.

It is important that you act without delay and consult with an attorney. If you fail to respond to the foreclosure lawsuit, you may be precluded from doing so at a later date.

Our law firm will investigate your defenses to the foreclosure and make sure your lender has all the documents that they need to foreclose and make sure they followed required procedure. At the same time, we negotiate a resolution with the lender based upon your needs such as a modification of the loan terms. New York Courts require the lender to sit down with a homeowner and negotiate a resolution in good faith.

Elliot Danziger, Esq.

Toll Free: (800) 619-3570
New York City: (212) 786-7950
Westchester County: (914) 719-6970

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